Essential Everyday English Vocabulary - Basic Vocabulary #48

Learn 80 common English words for everyday use, including fatigue, itchy, sore throat, baseball, ice hockey, skiing, paperclip, CD, buy, Madrid.

00:00:00 Learn 80 common English words, including fatigue, itchy, sore throat, baseball, ice hockey, skiing, paperclip, CD, buy, Madrid. Essential vocabulary for daily use.

💡 Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness that lasts for an extended period of time.

🤔 Something that is itchy makes you want to scratch that spot.

😷 A sore throat is a medical condition where the throat is in pain.

00:08:18 Learn everyday English vocabulary with examples. Topics include office products, music, money exchange, cities, medical conditions, sports, and more.

📝 The video discusses 80 English words that are commonly used every day.

🔊 Examples include words like 'keyboard', 'rash', 'nausea', 'vacancy', 'ping pong', 'running', 'DVD', 'staple', and 'saxophone'.

🎵 The video highlights the importance of learning basic vocabulary for effective communication in English.

00:16:34 Learn about musical instruments like the saxophone, drums, and harmonica. Discover useful everyday words like room service, receipt, Wi-Fi, garbage can, envelope, paper, engage, infection, and flu.

🎷 The saxophone is a brass instrument used in jazz music.

🥁 Drums are played by hitting different things to create different sounds.

🎵 The harmonica is a small musical instrument played by blowing air through holes.

00:24:48 This video provides basic vocabulary words in English including trumpet, departure gate, sociology, flight attendant, seat, medicine, economy class, flight, luggage, bandage, patient, and department.

🎺 A trumpet is a musical instrument that can be controlled by the player's lip motions and breath speed.

🛫 The departure gate is a crucial location in airports for boarding flights.

👥 Sociology is the study of human behavior and relationships in societies.

00:33:03 This video covers basic vocabulary and their meanings including department, accountant, lawyer, wage, piano, flight number, agriculture, accounting, bonus, light, trombone, and departure.

📚 Different departments in a company or organization have various specialties.

💼 Accountants help manage finances and file taxes.

⚖️ Lawyers interpret and understand the rules and regulations of a country or region.

00:41:17 Learn basic English vocabulary words for everyday use, including departure, arrival, violin, earth science, science, prescription, allergy, boarding pass, education, English, LA, flute, IT department, business trip, and marketing.

📅 The word 'arrival' refers to the opposite of departure and means to come to a place as your destination.

🎻 A violin is a small string instrument that is played by drawing a bow across its strings.

🌍 Earth science is the study of natural parts of our planet, such as rocks, trees, and the Earth's movements.

00:49:34 Learn about basic vocabulary words you'll use every day, including marketing, popular, insignificant, famous, sneeze, casual, guitar, breathe, spit, dentist, cavity, and asthma.

📢 Marketing refers to the process of creating advertisements or writing content to sell products and services.

👥 Popular means something that is liked by many people, while famous refers to someone or something that is well-known.

🔍 Insignificant describes something that is not important or requires little attention.

Summary of a video "80 English Words You'll Use Every Day - Basic Vocabulary #48" by Learn English with on YouTube.

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