🎥 The video is about how to create a stacked card carousel list in Flutter.
📱 The list arranges cards in a staged manner as you scroll up, and tapping on a card navigates to a detail screen.
🔧 To implement this, you need to install the 'stacked card carousel' package and use it in the main function.
📚 The video demonstrates how to create a stacked card carousel list in Flutter using a stateless widget.
🔧 The build function is used to display the homepage and retrieve data from an API using HTTP or Dio.
📲 The tutorial provides a method to fetch data dynamically from an API and a model class for representing the data.
🎯 The video demonstrates how to create a stacked card carousel list in Flutter using data from an API.
📦 A package is used to implement the stacked card carousel list widget in the Flutter app.
🖼️ The UI design of the stacked card carousel list is achieved using a separate class called 'FancyCard'.
📷 The Stacked Card Carousel List in Flutter takes an image and title as parameters.
⚙️ The widget is dynamic and can display multiple cards.
🔗 The code for the fancy card UI can be found on GitHub.
🔍 The video demonstrates how to create a stacked card carousel list in Flutter.
🔧 By using a column widget, an image, a title, and an outline button, the carousel list is built.
📱 Tab navigation is implemented to show a detail page whenever the outline button is tapped.
📚 Creating a stacked card carousel list in Flutter using title and image URLs.
💡 Using a Scaffold widget with an AppBar for the title and a body with an image widget.
🔧 Managing the width and height of the UI using media query.
✨ The video demonstrates how to create a stacked card carousel list in Flutter with impressive animations.
🔗 The presenter shares the code and provides a link for viewers to copy and paste.
👋 The video concludes with a farewell and an invitation to watch the next video.
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