🔍 This video provides an overview of the research methodology used in translation studies.
📊 The three basic research designs identified are qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods.
🔬 The choice of research design depends on factors such as the subject of study and the purpose of the research.
The researcher needs to set the general and specific objectives of the study, select the theoretical framework and analysis method.
Different analysis instruments can be used depending on the qualitative or quantitative approach of the study.
The researcher's background and experience, as well as the target audience of the research, also play a role in determining the research design.
🎓 Different types of research designs in translation studies: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods.
🔎 Historically, translation studies began with qualitative designs based on analysis and introspection.
💡 As translation studies developed, empirical approaches like quantitative and mixed methods became more common.
📚 This video discusses the research methodology used in translation studies.
🔎 The methodology involves different techniques for data collection, such as field notes, interviews, and questionnaires.
📊 Qualitative designs are common in translation research and often combine qualitative and quantitative approaches.
🔎 The transcription discusses different techniques used in translation studies, including introspection, dialogue protocols, and retrospective analysis.
📊 The video emphasizes the importance of combining quantitative and qualitative methods in translation research due to the complex nature of translation as a human and social science.
📝 The three types of design discussed in the video are survey-based designs, corpus-based designs, and experimental designs.
📊 Surveys are used to obtain specific information about attitudes, opinions, and behavior in the field of translation studies.
🔍 Corpus-based designs focus on analyzing real translation texts to study the translation process and can utilize tools for concordance and context analysis.
🔬 Experimental designs aim to analyze the translation process by examining the relationship between translation behavior, translational knowledge, and cognitive effort.
✅ Experimental studies in translation research involve factors such as subject knowledge and previous translation experience.
🔬 Various tools can be used for data collection, including eye movement readers, voice and keyboard recording programs, and neurological exploration methods.
📚 There are no inherently good or bad research methods, only appropriate or inappropriate methods for a specific study.
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