📌 Strategies need to be monitored and taken down if they are not performing well.
📌 If the entire investment portfolio is not performing well, all strategies are taken down together.
📌 MDD (Maximum Drawdown) is an important metric to determine if a strategy is not working well.
📊 Lack of strategy and psychological maturity can hinder trading.
💡 SQX is crucial for generating new trading strategies.
💰 Continuing to use existing strategies without generating new ones can be viable.
📊 The speaker developed multiple strategies for trading futures and foreign exchange, but they were not profitable overall.
💸 However, the speaker did not lose a significant amount of money as they took down the strategies that were not performing well.
💯 From May of last year to the present, the speaker has been consistently making profits, with a return rate of around 37% initially and around 15-16% recently.
📚 The speaker recommends exploring various well-known trading literature and online resources for valuable knowledge in the trading industry.
Marek Chrastina is a participant in the World Futures/Forex Trading Championship.
Marek Chrastina mentions a famous author, Nassim Taleb, known for his book Black Swan.
Nassim Taleb is a Fund Manager and has written several other books such as Antifragile and The Black Swan.
🤖 Avoid interfering with algorithmic trading systems and investment portfolios before implementing clear risk control mechanisms.
🚫 Don't let emotions disrupt the efficiency of program trading strategies.
💡 Reflect on the effectiveness of current settings and pursued strategies if desired goals cannot be achieved over a significant period of time.
🔍 If you continuously pursue a strategy without success, it's likely because you need to have a pre-developed strategy that meets your standards.
💡 If you find that the same market price trends cannot be generated by an automatic trading program, it indicates that your abilities are beyond the capabilities of the program.
🗣️ It is recommended to develop your own trading approach if your skills surpass the capabilities of existing trading software.
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