👑 The 18-year-old Pharaoh of Egypt shows off his lavish crib and fashion choices, including socks and sandals woven with gold and real leopard skin.
💀 As a future God, the Pharaoh emphasizes the importance of looking good even in death, showcasing his elaborately stitched loin cloth with 200 stitches.
👑 The Pharaoh is proud of his status and fashion sense, as seen in his preference for weave eyeliner, lip gloss, and his impressive collection of gloves.
👕 The video explores fashion trends throughout history.
⏳ The narrator discusses the immortality of ancient Egyptian pharaohs.
💎 The video mentions the opulence of golden jewel dogs.
🔥 The Vikings have a reputation for burning farms and taking things, but they also aim to give the captured Saxon a boost of self-esteem.
💇♂️ The Vikings make fun of the Saxon's hairstyle, referring to it as 'normal Saxon headers' and offering to help improve it.
👪 The Vikings claim to be like a family and offer support to the Saxon.
💡 Vikings attract ladies by taking regular baths and using a special soap.
💡 People in the area rarely get married because of the presence of creepy crawlies.
💡 The Saxon character, Dave, transformed from having poor hygiene to adopting Viking practices.
💇 The Vikings provided the protagonist with a makeover, including hairstyling.
👗 The Vikings gave the protagonist new clothes to improve their appearance.
💍 The Vikings offered the protagonist a treasure as a surprise gift.
💥 Oliver Cromwell's deputy, Sir Thomas Fairfax, played a significant role in winning the English Civil War.
👑 Sir Thomas Fairfax led the parliamentary forces to victory and ultimately became the law protector of England.
⚔️ Despite Oliver Cromwell's popular image, it was Sir Thomas Fairfax who was the true hero of the war, taking charge of the army and executing the king.
🎥 The video titled 'Fashion Fails | Horrible Histories' provides a humorous take on historical figures and their fashion choices.
👑 Sir Thomas Fairfax, a historical leader, won a war but did not take further action until he returned from retirement to help restore the monarchy.
🎵 The video concludes by highlighting that the main point of the story is the fashion choices of historical figures.
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