📚 Understanding the definition of a verb.
🕒 Different tenses and forms of verbs.
❓ The concept of the impersonal form of a verb.
📚 There are three types of verbs: infinitive, gerund, and participle.
🔍 The infinitive is recognized by the endings -ar, -er, and -ir.
💡 Verbs can be identified by their grammatical accidents of person, number, and tense.
The video discusses different types of verbs, including infinitives, gerunds, and participles.
Infinitives are verbs that do not have any grammatical accidents and usually end in '-ar', '-er', or '-ir'.
Gerunds are verbs that end in '-ando' or '-iendo' and function as nouns in a sentence.
The verb can be classified as verb principal or verb subordinado.
The verb principal is not preceded by a subordinating particle.
The verb subordinado is preceded by a subordinating particle.
💡 In this video, we learn about verb types in a sentence.
🔍 The main verb is the verb that is not preceded by any subordinating particles.
📚 The subordinate verb is the verb that is preceded by a subordinating particle.
📚 Every sentence requires a main verb and ends with a period.
🔎 The order of particles affects the meaning of a sentence.
📌 Check the materials in the virtual classroom for more information.
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