🎧 In this video, we learn about tips and tricks for sampling in Koala Sampler.
🥁 One tip is to layer samples to create unique drum sounds by mixing different elements of each sample.
👂 Another tip is to use EQ filtering while layering samples to avoid conflicts and enhance the desired elements.
Layering samples and drums adds depth and body to the sound.
Resampling onto pads allows for EQ adjustments and adding more elements to the sample.
Baking effects into samples can be done using the bounce feature or the effects rack.
💡 Using delay and resampling in Koala Sampler to create unique sounds.
🎛️ Layering effects like pitch and filters to transform samples.
🎧 Tips for adding reverb to drum loops for a studio-like effect.
🎛️ Adjusting the BPM and using the tone tool to manipulate samples.
🔄 Creating a reverb version of a loop and layering it with the original loop.
🎧 Mixing and pitching samples together to build tracks.
Using pitch or the piano roll in Koala Sampler can help turn one shots into instruments and layer samples together.
Resampling and using waveform visualization can aid in adjusting drum volumes and achieving balanced mixes.
Working off the grid can add a more natural and soulful feel to drum sequencing in Koala Sampler.
🎵 Adding swing to drum loops creates a more natural and pleasing groove.
🔊 Taking advantage of velocity and adding variation to drum hits enhances the overall sound.
💽 Resampling drum loops not only saves space but also makes sequencing and mixing easier.
🔁 Resampling is a useful technique for saving space and providing more options in mixing and editing.
🎹 Using velocity and pitch can add variation and creativity to one-shot instruments.
🔊 Mutant solo allows for experimenting with layering and samples before finalizing a mix.
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