💰 Using Hooponopono frequencies (174 Hz, 417 Hz, 741 Hz) to attract money.
🔄 Repeating the Hooponopono mantra for money 108 times.
🙏 Manifesting an abundant life and unexpected money from various sources.
💰 The key idea of the video is to attract money using a specific phrase.
🙏 Repeating a phrase expressing gratitude, forgiveness, and love is believed to bless money.
💰 The video discusses a technique called Hoonoponopono to attract money.
⚖️ The technique involves repeating a mantra that consists of 'sinto muito, por favor me perdoa, sou grata, eu te amo' which translates to 'I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.'
🙏 By practicing this technique, one can attract money and experience abundance in their life.
💰 The video talks about using a specific technique to attract money.
🙏 The technique involves repeating a series of phrases to bring in blessings and forgiveness.
❤️ The video emphasizes the importance of gratitude and love in attracting money.
💰 Repeating the phrase 'dinheiro abençoado, sinto muito, por favor me perdoa, sou grata, eu te amo' attracts money.
💰 The practice of Hoonoponopono can help attract money.
🙏 Repeating the phrases 'sinto muito, por favor me perdoa, sou grata, eu te amo' is important in this practice.
💸 The key idea is to attract money through the practice of Ho'oponopono.
🔄 The practice involves repeating the phrases 'I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you' multiple times.
🔁 It is recommended to practice the Ho'oponopono for 21 days and whenever needed.
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