👍 Embracing failure as a positive and persisting through obstacles leads to success.
🚀 Starting a complementary business to overcome career limitations in the family business.
👨👩👦👦 Drawing inspiration from role models like dad and Wim Hof to overcome adversity.
🏆 John Winning is a finalist for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Australia 2023.
💡 He has a different mindset and solves problems in his own unique way.
🌟 John is confident and believes he can achieve anything he puts his mind to.
🏆 John Winning reflects on the art of entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of taking risks and defying societal norms.
🎉 Winning expresses his desire to share his success with his team and celebrate the win together.
🎵 The video features background music throughout.
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