🌳 Arbres are divided into two main categories: feuillus (leafy trees) and conifères (coniferous trees).
🍃 Feuillus have leaves, like the chêne (oak) tree, while conifères have needles or scales, like the sapin (fir) tree.
🌲 Conifères produce cônes (cones), which are their fruits.
🌿 There are different types of leaves with varying shapes and textures that can help identify different trees.
🍁 Leaves of trees like oak, maple, cedar, willow, chestnut, and acacia have distinct characteristics that set them apart.
🌲 Conifer trees have different types of needles and scales, such as pine, thuja, and fir.
🌳 Deciduous trees, such as the ones mentioned in the transcript, lose their leaves in the winter.
🌲 Coniferous trees, like the ones mentioned in the transcript, retain their needles throughout the year.
🌳 Deciduous trees' leaves change color in autumn, while conifers' leaves remain the same.
🍂 In autumn, deciduous leaves turn yellow, red, and brown, while conifer leaves stay green.
❄️ In winter, deciduous trees lose all their leaves, while conifers retain their needles or scales.
🌿 Lierre is a climbing plant that is not considered a tree.
🍃 Coniferous trees have needles that remain in winter, while deciduous trees lose their leaves.
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