🎨 Learn a clever setup in Photoshop to create heavily stylized collage portraits and images using textures and macro lens photography.
📸 The video emphasizes the importance of selecting suitable photos with simple shapes and dramatic lighting for achieving the desired effect.
✨ The creator expresses gratitude to the Patreon community for enabling the free access to resources like vintage magazine textures used in the tutorial.
🎨 The video demonstrates how to create a collage art effect in Photoshop using the cutout and oil paint filters.
🔲 Breaking the image into solid shapes is crucial for achieving the desired result with the cutout filter.
🖌️ Applying the oil paint filter before the cutout filter helps eliminate noise and improve the final output.
🎨 Using image adjustments like shadows and highlights helps bring out details in a black and white image.
🔍 In the cutout filter, adjusting edge fidelity and edge simplicity can help simplify the image while preserving essential shapes.
🎨 Using an adjustment layer like posterize with four levels can reduce the image to four shades of gray.
Using a posterize adjustment layer allows for more control over the gray values in the image.
Applying a gradient map adjustment layer and replacing the gray values with solid black, red, green, and blue fills.
Setting the red point in the gradient map at the 33 percent mark.
The video demonstrates how to create a collage art effect in Photoshop using a clever setup.
The gradient map tool is used to assign specific colors to different gray tones in the image.
Textures are then applied selectively to the image based on the assigned colors, creating a unique and artistic collage.
👉 The tutorial explains how to create a collage art effect in Photoshop using blending options.
🎨 Different textures are applied to specific color areas using blend if options.
🔄 Adjusting the levels and values allows for customization and variation in the final result.
🎨 The video demonstrates a clever Photoshop setup to create a collage art effect.
🖼️ Different textures like hazy glass and grungy folded paper are used to add depth and visual interest to the art.
⚙️ The setup allows for easy experimentation with different images and filters, making it versatile for various projects.
《初級》世界期貨/外匯交易錦標賽參賽者Marek Chrastina訪談(完)/本影片為學員講座節錄版本,學員可以直接透過授權申請觀看完整講座內容~
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