🎥 The video aims to help mandated reporters recognize and report child abuse.
🔎 A teenager opened up about being abused by her mother, but was initially hesitant to tell anyone.
🤝 The reporter provided a safe space for the teenager to share her experience and seek help.
🔍 Recognizing signs of child abuse and the importance of reporting
⚠️ The impact of not reporting child abuse
🚩 Red flags of potential child abuse
🔴 Children withdrawing can be a sign of abuse.
📞 Mandated reporters should make an immediate phone report to Child Welfare Services if they suspect abuse.
🕒 Written reports should be submitted within 36 hours.
📢 The person who receives the disclosure and has suspicion of abuse must make the report.
💬 When a child discloses abuse, it's important to provide comfort, reassurance, and a safe space for them to share.
❌ Avoid getting angry, making negative statements, promising outcomes, or interrogating the child when they disclose abuse.
🔍 The majority of child abuse reports in California involve neglect.
🏠 The Voluntary Family Maintenance program provides support to families to prevent abuse and neglect.
⏱️ Immediate danger cases are responded to immediately, while less urgent cases have a 10-day window for contact.
🔍 Recognizing and identifying red flags of child abuse is crucial.
👥 As teachers, we have a responsibility as mandated reporters to ensure the safety and well-being of children.
🚨 Reporting any suspicion of child abuse can make a significant positive impact on a child's life.
كيف تجعل المرأه تستسلم لك بمشاعرها وأحاسيسها وتسيطر عليها تمامآ حتى وان لم تحبك💯
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