Uncovering the Mysteries of Epigenetics - with Nessa Carey

This video explains the field of epigenetics and its role in gene expression and development. It explores examples in animals and challenges traditional inheritance models.

00:00:11 Epigenetics is a new field of biology that explores how the same genetic code can result in different phenotypes. This video discusses various examples of epigenetic phenomena and highlights the importance of understanding epigenetics in addition to genetics.

🧬 Epigenetics is a new field of biology that explores the additional factors at play beyond genetics.

πŸ‘₯ Epigenetic phenomena involve genetically identical organisms exhibiting different traits.

πŸ’‘ Epigenetics reveals that factors such as environment and temperature can influence gene expression.

00:05:51 Epigenetics is the study of how a single DNA genome can lead to many different outcomes. DNA is not just a template, but a script that can be amended, resulting in diverse cell types. Recent advancements in epigenetics have provided explanations for these variations.

🧬 Epigenetics is the study of how a single DNA genome can lead to different outcomes.

πŸŽ₯ DNA is like a script that can be amended, resulting in various cell types and traits.

πŸ”¬ Recent advances in epigenetics have provided explanations for how DNA functions in cells.

00:11:33 Epigenetics is the study of modifications to DNA that can turn genes on or off without changing the genetic code. These modifications, called epigenetic modifications, can change the likelihood of gene expression without altering the gene's sequence.

🧬 Epigenetics is the study of how genes are regulated and expressed.

πŸ“ DNA wraps around cluster proteins, and one gene can be wrapped around multiple clusters.

🍸 Epigenetic modifications can turn genes on or off, leading to changes in gene expression.

00:17:17 Epigenetic modifications play a crucial role in human health and disease. They can go wrong, leading to chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and type 2 diabetes. Neglected childhoods can result in adult mental health disorders due to epigenetic changes.

πŸ’‘ Epigenetic modifications play a crucial role in human health and disease, including certain types of cancer.

πŸ”¬ Misregulation of gene expression due to epigenetic modifications may contribute to chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and type 2 diabetes.

πŸ“š Childhood experiences, such as neglect and abuse, can have long-lasting effects on mental health and increase the risk of addiction and depression in adulthood.

00:22:59 The video discusses epigenetics and its role in gene expression and development. It explores examples in animals and explains why mammals cannot reproduce through virgin birth.

🧬 Epigenetic modifications early in childhood can determine whether a rat becomes stressed or happy in adulthood.

🦎 Various animals, including stick insects, salamanders, and zebra finches, can reproduce through virgin birth.

πŸ§ͺ Epigenetic information on eggs and sperm is necessary for the development of mammals, which is why virgin birth is not possible in mammals.

🐭 Epigenetics can explain the differences in appearance and traits of genetically identical mice, such as the agouti viable yellow mice.

🍷 Alcohol can alter the transmission of epigenetic information between generations in mice.

00:28:41 Epigenetics is the transmission of acquired traits from parents to offspring. Experiments with mice showed that epigenetic information is passed on, influenced by the environment, and can even transmit fear responses. This challenges the traditional Darwinian model of inheritance.

🐭 Epigenetic information is passed on from parent to child, influenced by the environment.

🌸 Mice can pass on environmental responses to their offspring using epigenetics.

πŸ¦’ The concept of Lamarckism is challenged by the findings of epigenetic inheritance.

00:34:23 Epigenetics can influence the development of offspring, as seen in a study with mice. Twins also diverge epigenetically over time. Epigenetic modifications control various processes in plants. Epigenetics plays a role in cloning animals and determining the lifespan of bees. There is still much we don't know about epigenetics.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§ Offspring size is not influenced by epigenetic transmission from the father, but the mother's perception of the father's genetic quality affects the offspring's growth.

πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ Identical twins start diverging epigenetically as they age, leading to differences in gene expression and phenotypic variation.

🌱 Epigenetic modifications control various biological processes in plants, including flowering and coloration.

πŸ‘ Epigenetics plays a role in animal cloning and the development of phenotypic differences between worker honeybees and queen honeybees.

πŸ“š Epigenetics is a fascinating field with much more to discover, and the speaker has written books on the topic.

Summary of a video "What is Epigenetics? - with Nessa Carey" by The Royal Institution on YouTube.

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