💭 Saddam Hussein's inner thoughts and motivations were largely unknown to the American public.
🔍 An American, known as Mr. George, who was an FBI agent, played a crucial role in uncovering Saddam Hussein's secrets.
🔒 Various psychological techniques were used during the interviews with Saddam Hussein, but no coercive methods like waterboarding were employed.
🔑 Saddam Hussein did not respond well to fear-based tactics or threats.
🔑 Most of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were destroyed by UN inspectors in the 90s, and the remaining ones were unilaterally destroyed by Iraq.
🔑 Saddam Hussein maintained the charade of having weapons of mass destruction to project strength and protect his nation.
💡 Saddam Hussein believed that possessing weapons of mass destruction kept Iran from invading Iraq.
🔍 Despite the impending war with the US, Saddam initially miscalculated President Bush's intentions.
📸 Saddam strategically performed at his execution to ensure that the last image of him would not be the humiliating capture.
Saddam Hussein expected to die and was not bothered by it, as he had lived longer than the average Arab male and had a significant impact on Iraq and the world.
He showed no remorse or concern for the actions he had ordered and done.
Saddam Hussein had a positive view of his life, considering himself the leader of the cradle of civilization.
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