Maintaining well-being and professional capacity: Practitioner self-care strategies

This video discusses practitioner self-care strategies to maintain well-being and professional capacity, including grounding techniques and self-awareness.

00:00:00 This lesson discusses practitioner self-care strategies to maintain well-being and professional capacity. It emphasizes the importance of integrating intentional and purposeful strategies into daily tasks.

πŸ’‘ Practitioner self-care strategies are important for maintaining well-being and integrity.

🧘 These strategies go beyond basic self-care and involve intentional and purposeful actions.

⏰ To ensure consistency, it is crucial to integrate these strategies into daily professional tasks.

00:01:42 Practitioner self-care strategies for client sessions, meetings, and new situations. Prioritize clarity, eliminate distractions, and tune in to your body and emotions for optimal focus and alignment.

πŸ“ Before starting any work or meeting, it is important to check in with yourself, clarify your intention, and eliminate distractions.

πŸ’‘ Create a brain dump or to-do list to help you focus on the task at hand.

πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ Tune into your body and emotions to shift your vibration and align with the upcoming tasks.

00:03:20 Practitioner self-care: Ground yourself before each session, believe in each individual's potential, and stay connected to yourself during interactions.

🧘 Practitioners need to take moments to ground themselves and get into the right emotional state before a session.

πŸ’ͺ It is important for practitioners to maintain belief in the potential of every individual and avoid becoming drained.

🌱 During sessions, practitioners should continually ground themselves, maintain emotional regulation, and connect with themselves separate from the client.

00:05:01 Practitioner self-care strategies: Pay attention to your body, regulate emotions, and identify future needs for balance and growth.

πŸ‘€ Paying attention to our body and its warning signs is crucial for self-care as practitioners.

πŸ™Œ We can use self-regulation techniques, such as taking breaks and grounding exercises, to support ourselves during sessions.

πŸ’­ After each session, it's important to reflect on our emotions, separate our own emotions from the client's, and identify any future needs for personal growth.

00:06:39 Learn self-care strategies for practitioners to process experiences, extract wisdom, regulate emotions, and approach clients with a fresh mindset.

πŸ“ Practitioners should take time to process their experiences before moving on to the next client for multiple reasons.

πŸ’‘ Taking brief moments before, during, and after interactions with clients to check in with oneself is important for supporting day-to-day well-being.

πŸ”Ž There are weekly lessons on grounding strategies, applying the brakes, emotional regulation, and tuning into one's body for further information.

00:08:17 Discover the importance of self-awareness and recognizing the signs of compassion fatigue. Find strategies to support your well-being and make lasting change for ongoing practitioner self-care.

πŸ’‘ Self-awareness of when we need extra help is vital.

🚦 Being aware of signs of compassion fatigue and trauma.

πŸ”„ Adaptability and change are crucial for self-care.

00:09:58 Practitioner self-care strategies: Discover ways to support your well-being through small moments of self-care before, during, and after client interactions.

πŸ“ Having structures and systems in place for self-care in your daily routine can empower you.

πŸ“š There are articles and a handout available with ideas from other practitioners on self-care techniques.

⏰ Micro moments of self-care before, during, and after client interactions are important for practitioner well-being.

Summary of a video "Practitioner self-care strategies" by Helen Gray on YouTube.

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