The scientific question identifies the independent and dependent variables in an experiment.
The independent variable is the manipulated variable in an experiment, such as the amount of water provided to plants.
The dependent variable is the data that is collected in an experiment, such as plant growth.
🔑 The dependent variable is what is measured to determine results.
🔑 The independent variable is the one that can be directly controlled or changed by the scientist.
🔑 Examples of dependent and independent variables include studying and test scores, and caffeine and blood pressure.
🔬 The dependent variable can be directly controlled or changed by the scientist.
☕ Caffeine is used as the independent variable in the experiment.
💡 A hypothesis is an educated guess that answers the scientific question.
📚 The scientific method involves formulating hypotheses to answer scientific questions.
🌱 Predicting outcomes based on specific variables is an important part of the scientific method.
📝 The key to a hypothesis is phrasing and formulating it correctly, rather than getting the right answer.
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