🎭 The most important social institution is role-playing and how it defines our identity.
🤔 Many people mistake their roles for their true identity.
👶 We are all taught to act from a young age through education and upbringing.
💡 The trend in education is to make individuals conform to social norms and have a defined identity.
⚖️ People who struggle to find their role in society often experience inner conflict and unhappiness.
🧠 Our perception of self is influenced by societal expectations and our own consciousness.
🔑 Our identities are shaped by how others perceive and respond to us.
🔄 The ego creates a sense of an inner self that directs our actions, but it is an illusion.
🌟 We are interconnected beings, rather than separate entities.
🔑 The Mystic realizes that the true self is fundamentally the entire game and there is no division between the self and everything else.
🤔 The true self is often not consciously recognized, similar to the structure of the brain.
😌 A person who is completely satisfied and happy would have no need for memories.
🎭 Our existence is a reflection of our past experiences, but memory is not essential for the continuation of life.
🧠 We can awaken to the realization that our ego and the need for survival are both games.
🏛️ Society has created a strange game where seriousness is prioritized, even in institutions like the church.
🎭 The church presents a serious game where everyone must keep a straight face.
🤔 There is an underlying fear that the game may be exposed as not real.
🎮 When the world becomes too earnest, a new game of pretending becomes necessary.
Mahayana Buddhism teaches the concept of being a bodhisattva.
A bodhisattva is someone who is aware that life is a game but still actively participates in it.
Knowing that life is a game brings enjoyment and enthusiasm to the bodhisattva's actions.
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