Mastering Absolute Value to Calculate Distances on a Coordinate Plane

Learn how to find distances between points on a coordinate plane using absolute value and avoid common mistakes.

00:00:02 Learn to find distances between points on a coordinate plane using absolute value. Review absolute value and how it represents distance on a number line.

Absolute value is the distance a number is from zero on the number line.

Use absolute value to find distances between points with the same x and y values on a coordinate plane.

A common mistake is to move along the y-axis first when finding distances between points.

00:01:05 Learn how to find distances between points using absolute value on the coordinate plane without making common mistakes.

πŸ”‘ One common mistake when finding an ordered pair is moving up on the y-axis instead of correctly on the x-axis.

⚠️ Another common mistake is returning to the origin after plotting the x value before moving on the y-axis.

πŸ“ To plot points on the coordinate plane, follow the correct x and y values for each ordered pair.

00:02:09 Learn how to find the distance between two points using absolute value, without counting units. It's a more effective method!

👉 The video explains how to find the distance between two points using absolute value.

👉 By comparing the x values of the points, we can determine the difference in the y values.

👉 The absolute value of the y value difference gives us the distance between the two points.

00:03:12 Learn how to find the distance between two points using absolute value. The distance between points A and B is 4 units.

πŸ“ The absolute value can be used to find the distance between two points on a number line.

πŸ”’ To find the distance, you can subtract the x values of the points and take the absolute value.

βš–οΈ The distance between the points is always positive, regardless of the order of subtraction.

00:04:17 Learn how to find distances between points on a coordinate plane by using absolute value.

πŸ“ Absolute value can be used to find distances between points on a coordinate plane.

βœ–οΈ The absolute value of the difference between the x-coordinates gives the horizontal distance.

βž• The absolute value of the difference between the y-coordinates gives the vertical distance.

Summary of a video "Use absolute value to find distances between points" by LearnZillion on YouTube.

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