⭐️ A new song is created using a tool called suno.ai with a free plan that allows up to 25 Generations a month.
🔧 To generate the song, the suno chirp bot is messaged in a private DM with the command '/chirp' and the style of music is described.
🎵 The song is generated with the Bluegrass style of music and the lyrics are written by AI, resulting in two song options to choose from.
🎵 Using AI, the video creator generates music and lyrics, exploring different options and variations.
📹 The generated music is then used to create a music video, combining clips and converting the audio to MP3.
🎶 The video creator utilizes three tools to create a visually appealing music video that matches the beat of the music.
🎥 There are three tools discussed in the video for making videos from audio, including Kyber, Plasma Punk, and D Coherence.
💰 Kyber and D Coherence offer free trials for their pricing plans, allowing users to test them out for free.
🎵 The video demonstrates how to use Kyber to create a music video by uploading a song, selecting video settings, and generating previews.
📹 The video demonstrates how to use a free AI-powered tool to create a music video.
🎵 The tool allows users to upload a song and customize the visual style and effects of the video.
🤖 AI robots operate a scenic farm in one of the video styles, showcasing the potential for creative scene changes and effects.
🔊 The video editing process involves syncing effects to different elements of the audio, such as drums, vocals, and bass.
🖼️ Various effects can be applied to create different styles, including photorealism, anime, horror, cyberpunk, and fantasy.
⌛ The generation of different scenes and effects can take different amounts of time, with some videos being quick and others taking longer.
🎸 The second half of the video features a guitar player and captivating imagery.
🎥 The creator combined three different videos into one cohesive music video using DaVinci Resolve.
🔀 Creative editing techniques were used to create jumps and transitions between the different videos.
🎶 The video showcases how AI can be used to create a music video, including generating lyrics, singing, and background music.
💡 The creator explains that the tools used in the video are accessible for free, with options for free trials and credits for advanced features.
🤖 The creator plans to continue exploring and experimenting with AI tools in future videos and invites viewers to like and subscribe.
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