⭐️ Scientists are developing a sunscreen specifically for astronauts in space.
☀️ Sunburns in space are caused by both high-energy particles and electromagnetic radiation.
🚀 A better sunscreen is needed to protect astronauts from the additional radiation in space.
🌞 Astronauts are exposed to higher levels and different types of radiation in space, increasing their risk of developing cancer.
🚀 Space suits and ship hulls provide some protection from radiation, but there is a need for a specialized sunscreen for astronauts.
🌍 On Earth, our atmosphere blocks out most of the Sun's ionizing radiation, but in space, astronauts are exposed to higher levels.
🌞 Melanin protects cells from radiation, and higher concentrations increase survival in space.
⚗️ Scientists developed a synthetic form of melanin enriched with selenium to block X-rays.
🧴 Wearing sunscreen is important as no one has enough melanin for complete protection.
🌍 One day, space travelers might have a skincare routine involving a souped-up serum.
📝 For now, astronauts rely on sunscreen and seek entertainment during their space travels.
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