🔍 Different weights in Selenium can be used to rectify synchronization issues within script execution.
🕒 Using hard-coded sleep in scripts is not recommended; Selenium provides implicit and explicit weights as alternatives.
💡 Implicit weight is applied globally and waits for elements to appear, while explicit weight is applied specifically and waits for specific conditions.
📌 Both implicit and explicit waits are dynamic and smart, meaning they won't wait for the specified amount of time if the web element is found earlier.
📌 Time.sleep() will stop the script execution for the specified amount of time, while implicit and explicit waits will progress if the web element is found earlier.
📌 The difference between implicit and explicit waits is an important interview question.
⏳ Implicit waits allow the script to wait for a specified time before proceeding further.
⌛ Explicit waits halt the execution until a condition is met or the maximum time has passed.
⚠️ Failures in scripts often occur when web elements are not interactable or visible.
⏳ Explicit weight is specific to a particular web element and is used to check if the element is clickable within a specified timeout.
🌍 Implicit weight is global and is applicable to all web elements.
⏰ When the condition specified by the explicit weight is not met within the timeout, the test fails.
⌛️ Explicit wait is applicable only to specified web elements and requires the expected condition.
⏳ Implicit wait applies to all web elements and does not require specifying expected conditions.
🔄 Fluent wait allows you to specify timeout duration for explicit wait.
🔑 The difference between fluent weight and explicit weight in Selenium is that fluent weight allows you to specify the polling frequency for checking the presence of a web element.
⏳ Fluent weight provides flexibility in setting the polling frequency based on the application's behavior, while explicit weight is a specific wait for a particular web element on the page.
⚖️ With implicit weight, a global setting applies to all web elements, while explicit weight is used to check the presence of a specific web element by specifying the explicit weight.
🔑 There are three different types of waits in Selenium WebDriver: implicit wait, explicit wait, and fluent wait.
💡 Understanding when and how to use each type of wait is crucial for interviews and frequently asked interview questions.
📚 Practical examples of using these waits in Selenium with Python will be covered in upcoming tutorials.
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