🔍 Learn how to track mouse hovering on website elements with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics.
❓ GTM is not able to track hover events by default, but you can add a custom listener to enable this functionality.
📚 Consider enrolling in the Google Tag Manager course for a comprehensive understanding and support along the way.
⭐ Tracking hover intent with Google Tag Manager allows you to monitor user engagement and behavior before they click.
💡 By analyzing hover data, you can gain insights into user interactions and compare them to actual button clicks.
🔧 To implement hover tracking, you need to copy the provided code, create a new tag in Google Tag Manager, and add the code with proper script tags.
💡 Using the 'dom ready' trigger in Google Tag Manager, we can track elements on a webpage that are ready to be accessed.
💡 To prevent overwhelming tracking, we should instruct the code to listen only to hovers of specific elements that are important to us.
💡 By adding the 'track hover intent' command in Google Tag Manager, we can specify the elements and the duration of a hover needed for tracking.
Mouse hover tracking in Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics.
Default hover tracking duration is set to 1.5 seconds.
Using CSS selectors to track specific elements.
🔍 Creating a CSS selector in Google Tag Manager to target a specific image element with a class of 'zoom img'.
👥 Configuring a listener in Google Tag Manager to track user interactions when they hover over the targeted image element for at least 1.5 seconds.
✅ Verifying the functionality of the listener by hovering over an element for an extended period.
📊 Using Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics, we can track mouse hover events and send them as events to Google Analytics.
🔧 To track mouse hovers, we need to create a custom event trigger in Google Tag Manager and name it 'gtm hover'. Then, we can create a tag that sends an event with the category 'hover' and the action 'product image'.
🔄 After setting up the tracking, we can refresh the page and hover over the desired elements. The hover events will then be visible in the real-time reports and events section of Google Analytics.
🔍 Tracking mouse hovering with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics involves creating a custom event listener and modifying the CSS selector.
📊 To track mouse hovering, you can pass the URL or image of the product to understand which products are being viewed.
👨💼 If you want to become a Google Tag Manager professional, consider checking out the instructor's courses below the video.
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