📜 In the 6th century BC, the Athenians developed a new type of government called a democracy.
🗳️ The new government had three parts: the assembly, the kansan or bulay, and government officials.
📝 The assembly included around 30,000 freeborn male citizens who gathered to discuss and vote for the city's laws.
🏛️ Ancient Greek democracy had a council with representatives from every region.
⚖️ The courts in ancient Greece had no judges, only juries, and used a lottery system to select jury members.
🗳️ Athenian democracy was an example of direct democracy, where citizens assembled to pass laws.
🏛️ Ancient Greek democracy laid the foundation for modern democratic systems.
🗳️ Representative democracy is more practical in modern times.
👑 The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.
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