📚 TPACK is a framework that combines technological knowledge, content knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge to increase student motivation and accessibility.
👩🏫 Teachers need to consider both the content they are teaching and the pedagogical approaches they use to make the content more accessible to students.
🔧 Selecting the appropriate technology is crucial in delivering content effectively and supporting the chosen pedagogical strategy.
📚 TPACK is an acronym for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge.
🧩 TPACK involves the overlapping of technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge to reach the 'sweet spot'.
🏫 Context and meeting students' needs are integral to the implementation of TPACK.
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بربع كيلو دقيق وبيضة واحدة هتعملي ٦٥ بسكوتة من بسكوت النواعم 😋بتاع زمان هش ودايب ومقرمش 👍
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