馃摎 Understanding how to structure the problematic reality in research is crucial.
馃攳 Six important points to consider when elaborating on the problematic reality.
馃挕 Providing examples to help in developing the problematic reality.
馃實 International, national, and regional facts should be described separately.
馃搳 Include statistical data to support the description of the problem.
馃彚 Provide a concise description of the place where the problem occurs.
鉂楋笍 Back up the problem description with relevant indicators.
馃搵 A description of the problem should mention the dependent variable.
馃攳 Identify the general and specific causes of the problem.
鈿狅笍 Explain the consequences of not addressing the problem.
馃搶 The first paragraph of the problematic reality research consists of detailing the study variables and authors supporting the investigation.
馃攳 The second paragraph focuses on formulating general and specific research questions related to the problematic reality.
馃挕 The importance of the research topic is highlighted in the introductory paragraph.
馃摎 The author studied the problem by consulting scientific articles, books, and theses.
馃懃 The researcher described the problem internationally, citing various sources.
馃實 The student focused on the problem at a global level, rather than regionally.
馃攳 The video discusses the problematic reality of structuring a company, supported by statistical data.
馃捈 It highlights the number of employees in the company and describes the internal problems that exist.
鈿狅笍 The causes and consequences of the problem are also explored, emphasizing the importance of addressing it.
馃攳 We need to define our general and specific research questions.
馃挕 There are resources available on the website that can help with independent research.
馃捇 The information on the website and the YouTube channel can assist in developing your own research.
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