🐶 Beagles at the national detector dog training center in Orlando are trained to become detector dogs.
🍎 Detector dogs work at international airports to sniff out illegal imports and meat products that may carry diseases.
✈️ The dogs perform their duties without bothering passengers who are traveling.
🐶 The National Detector Dog Training Center uses target boxes with mixed odors to train dogs to detect various scents.
👜 The dogs are trained to search the seams of suitcases as odors tend to come out from there.
❌ Not all tests go smoothly for Stockton, as he lies down instead of sitting.
🐶 Being a detector dog requires being great with people and children.
🍔 Detector dogs have a strong food drive and are trained with food rewards.
🏠 Dogs that don't work out as detector dogs are placed in homes after training.
Stockton has a high chance of becoming a detector dog and enjoys his work.
Demeter is described as meek and loves working as a game.
Stockton and Demeter work well together and both enjoy their work.
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